Wood-Fired Heaters

Don’t be a nuisance     -     Be a good neighbour

Wood you please… take responsibility this winter for the smoke your wood heater produces.


  • ONLY BURN DRY SEASONED WOOD. Seasoned logs should make a “crack” when banged together not a dull thud.
  • Burning of old Railway Sleepers is strictly prohibited.
  • Keep air vents open for 20 minutes when starting and reloading the fire to ensure there is a vigorous flame.
  • Keep the fire burning brightly but let it go out at night.  Most heaters burn better with three or four smaller logs rather than one or two large logs.

If there is a lack of any or all of the above factors, your fuel will not burn completely, excessive wood smoke will be emitted from your flue, and you will waste fuel.


Neighbourhood complaints concerning wood heater smoke occur at this time each year.  Issues such as these are best handled by working together with your neighbour.

You may feel anxious about approaching your neighbour, but remember that they sometimes are not aware they are affecting you.

Free mediation services are available that can be of assistance in resolving neighbourhood wood smoke issues.  This approach also has the benefit of avoiding costly legal processes.  For further information, contact a South Australian community legal mediation centre with a community mediation service on (08) 8384 5222.


Many types of plastic contain a substance that will release a harmful poisonous gas, namely dioxin, when they are burnt or melted.  PVC is one of the most common types of plastic that will also release dioxin.  Dioxin contains molecules of chlorine which is harmful to you when heated at high temperatures inside a wood heater.

The practice of burning household garbage may seem harmless enough, but in fact is damaging to the environment, your family’s and your community’s health.