CWMS - Hardship Application

CWMS - Hardship Policy and Applications

(September 2023)

Note: The information provided here is in regards to connecting to the CWMS system, and not the annual service charge.

In September 2022 Council amended the CWMS Hardship Policy (see below) to incorporate a mechanism for the provision of assistance for the costs associated with connecting to the CWMS.  See clause 10.

The amendments made to the Policy provide a considered approach to providing assistance.  The assessment of hardship will be determined by the Policy provisions that incorporate an assessment by a financial counsellor.

Please see here the process for applying to Council for financial assistance due to hardship under the Policy:

  1. The applicant is required to obtain a quote for the connection of their property to the CWMS from a qualified plumber.
  2. Complete the application form.
  3. Seek the services of a financial counsellor to assess the level of financial hardship.
  4. Submit the application form to Council, which includes the financial counsellor’s advice, for assessment and approval. (A critical part of Council’s assessment role is to ensure the applicant has complied with the Policy, in particular staff will be making sure that the property has not already been connected; and that the quotation provided by the plumber is considered fair and reasonable).
  5. Approve or decline the application.


CWMS - Hardship Policy

Financial Hardship Application

Financial Hardship Approval (This form is only provided here to outline the terms and conditions which will apply to an approved application)

Financial Counselling:

The District Council of Peterborough is committed to assisting residential customers of Community Wastewater Management Services, who are experiencing financial hardship, to manage their connection payments in a manner that best suits the customer and ensuring they are able to be connected to this service.

In order to complete the Financial Hardship Application Form, a Financial Counsellor must be sourced, this can be done either independently (at the residential customer’s cost), or free via:

The Salvation Army Moneycare Team

  • Tel:   1800 722 363
  • Email:
  • Please complete The Salvation Army Moneycare Referral Letter before contacting the Moneycare Team:

The Salvation Army Moneycare Referral Letter

Uniting Country SA

  • Tel:   1300 067 777
  • Email:
  • Please complete the Uniting Country SA’s Referral Form before contacting the Financial Wellbeing Team:

Uniting Country SA Referral Form

The information provided by the Financial Counsellor and completed Application Form is required to assist Council to assess your application and will be treated confidentially.  All applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Please lodge your completed Application Form, along with required additional documentation, by either:


Post: CEO - Hardship Application, PO Box 121, Peterborough, SA 5422