Think Feet First

Think Feet First

In 2012 the OPAL program encouraged families and communities to look at active ways to travel to and from school with their key message “Think Feet First - step, cycle, scoot to school.”

Being active every day is important for everyone and is essential for children’s health. Children who are physically active have increased bone and muscle strength and increased concentration. Plus, when asked, most kids would love to step, cycle or scoot to school.

Children who regularly actively travel will develop a greater knowledge of their neighborhood, improved communication and social skills and have more road safety and route planning experience.

Part way is OK.

If you are unable to walk, cycle or scoot the whole way to school, consider other opportunities such as parking further away from the school and walking to meet the kids. Alternatively, you can walk, cycle or scoot to other destinations, such as, the local shops, park or a friend’s house.